Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life is Precious.

This weekend I attended my Grandma Betty's funeral. She passed away on Thursday from a massive stroke she experienced two days before. Despite the loss of such a special lady, the time spent with family and friends recounting her life and her influence on all of us, it really became a weekend of joy. Life is short. I didn't get to know Grandma Betty as well as I would have liked but I know she loved me like all of her grandkids. She lived by a pretty simple motto: Be good, do good and live good. This is very "good" advice.

God is good...and life is good despite all of its challenges. Embrace where you are at and who you are with. Smile. Love those nice enough to put up with you:) Stop by your grandma/grandpa's house, "just because." Call your parents today just to say "hi." Remind your friends that you are thinking about them. Pray for them all. It was good to reflect this weekend on what's important. I'm sure I will slip back into my old selfish habits soon enough, but for today and tomorrow, I choose to reconnect with as many as I can. Thanks for helping me remember what's truly important Grandma Betty. "Fly to Jesus Betty go girl."



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